Sunday, June 14, 2015

How to turn a public blog private, blogspot edition

How do you turn a blog private? Here are two options: make the whole blog private, or go back and make some posts private by reverting them to drafts.

Make the whole blog private.

  1. Go to Blogger Home. (click that link, or click orange B button).
    The page refreshes to show you your blog (or list of blogs).
  2. Click the link for the blog you want to change.
    The page refreshes to show the dashboard for your blog, with a view graph in the center, and a list of options on the left.
  3.  Click the Settings button (located at the bottom of the menu on the left).
    The page refreshes to show those options.
  4. Locate the Permissions section (bottom of page).
    The Blog authors and Blog Readers are displayed.
  5. Locate the Blog Readers edit link, and click it.
    The page displays a set of buttons where you change your privacy settings.
    Like so.
  6. Click one of the  Private button options, and then click the Save changes button.
aaaand your blog is now private!

Post-by-post: Selectively edit each post.

Steps 1 and 2 are the same as above.

  1. Go to Blogger Home. (click that link, or click orange B button).
    The page refreshes to show you your blog (or list of blogs).
  2. Click the link for the blog you want to change.
    The page refreshes to show the dashboard for your blog, with a view graph in the center, and a list of options on the left.
  3. On menu to left, click Posts (it's the second item, under Overview).
    Your list of posts appears.
  4. Revert multiple posts: Click the box to the left of each post you want to revert to draft, then click the Revert to Draft button at the top of the listing.
  5. Revert one-at-a-time: Click a link of a published post to review it, and edit it.
    The post appears in edit mode.
  6. Locate the buttons at top right
    [Update] [Revert to draft] [Preview] [Close]
    Click the Revert to draft button to make the post private.